We are having technical issues with our login page for our website. You are welcome to stream directly from our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/@TucsonTabernacle/featured or you can view most of our archives our our public archives at https://www.tucsontabernacle.com/sermons/. Reach out to the church if you continue to have any issues or questions. God bless you.
Welcome to the Tucson Tabernacle streaming page. We welcome all of you who are part of our assembly to register for streaming our service and archives. This is for those that consider themselves part of our congregation.
Special Services are open to the public to view without login.
If you have any issues streaming or if you would like to speak with someone at the church you can call us at 520-623-0381 anytime.
If you already registered to view this page, please login below. If you do not yet have a username and password, please fill out the registration form here.
God bless you.
Harmony In The Desert Streaming Here